Proposition Competetion of Memorial's Slavomil Rusinak

XXI. ročníka Medzinárodnej automobilovej orientačnej súťaže  " O putovný pohár Slavomila Rusiňáka ",
9. a 10.kolo Majstrovstiev Poľska pre rok 2007,
9. a 10.kolo 11.ročníka súťaže „ Stredoeurópsky Pohár “
a 3.kolo celoštátnej dopravno-výchovnej súťaže  „Rodičia, jazdite opatrne !“

Proposition - slovak Winners of  Memorial's Slavomil Rusinak

on-line registration

Type and Character race

Race is prim look like XXI. year international motoring race " About challenge cup by your leave.Rusinaka ", 9. and 10. round Championchip of Poland and 9. and 10.round 11.year race " The Central European Cup. Race myself attend crews without distinction performance classes. Race is interim-national whereupon myself her they can accessary too foreign crews, which pernancy look like card these invitation from organiser.


Fair headquarters race :


JUDr. Štefan Bieľak Mayor towns Spišská Belá


PaedDr. Ladislav Hrivko Director of  SLOVKRED s.r.o. Poprad


Ľubomír Pisarčík Commodoredent  ZO ZŤŠČ Spišská Belá


Ing. Radoslav Urban Director of  Mestského podniku s.r.o. Spišská Belá

Headquarters race:


Director race Vladimír Pavličko


Assistant secretary Ing. Martin Kruk


Author track Ing. Peter Rusiňák


Headreferee Ing. Ivan Sabaka, Peter Rusiňák ml. pre RJO


Cuth competitive element Václav Slodičák, Ladislav Stoklas


Data center Ing. M. Miko, Ing. P. Góts, Ing. Ľ. Priščák,    Ladislav Csik


Marketing Anton Štolc, Ján Štolc


Charge of visitors Anton Štolc, Emanuel Danielčák



Presentation and acceptance tricar myself put into practice in " Sanatórium Tatranská Kotlina "  at Tatranská Kotlina. Seal application : 22.09.2007

Organiser provide for

crews / 2 Person /:

29.09.2006 – supper and accommodation
30.09.2006 – breakfast, lunch, supper and accommodation
01.10.2006 – breakfast

Three nminated crews of the series of “The Central European Cup“ from each country have food and accommodation settlement from organiser -  these crews designate each country ( right of priority  have crews from club organiser ).  Every next of nominated crews of the series of “The Central European Cup“ pay start-charge 50,- EUR / 1700,- Sk / near presentation.

Unnominated crews of the series of “The Central European Cup“ pay start-charge 50,- EUR / 1700,- Sk /  near presentation.

Behind everybody mortal up strength engagement pay crews, alternatively cuth couth association accessary state 25,- EUR/ 850,- Sk near presentation.


Up to date time table race

28. september 2007  (friday)

13.00 –  18.00 hod.

Presentation and accommodation

17.30 –  18.30 hod.


19.15 hod

Open race and technical discourse

20.00 hod

Start-up to night orientation ride


29. september 2007  (saturday)

 7.00 –  7.45 hod.


 8.00 hod

joint departure to Spisska Bela

 8.30 hod

visitor grave by your leave S.Rusinaka

 9.00 hod

start-up to diar orientation ride
- lunch – after 4.stage

16.00 hod

arrival ultimate tricar to end

17.00 hod

meeting of clubs – CEC

18.00 hod

fly formal results race

20.00 hod


21.00 hod

declaration winner + banquet + free fan


30. septembra 2007  (sunday)

 8.00 –  9.00 hod.

breakfast and ending race


Address for transport application

  Ing.Peter Rusiňák
  Rázusova 3287/2, blok Bečva
  058 01  Poprad
   +421904380744       mobil  -  nonstop
  e-mail : Táto mailová adresa je chránená proti spamom, potrebujete Javascript, aby ste ju mohli vidieť

Posledná aktualizácia ( Saturday, 15 September 2007 )